Our Animals

grass fed beef

Harmony On Our Farm, Unmatched Taste On Your Plate

Step into the natural rhythm of our farm where our pasture-born beef, sustainably raised chicken, distinctive pork, and free-spirited turkeys lead lives in harmony with nature. From lush pastures to thoughtful practices, we bring you meats that embody the essence of ethical farming.

chickens foraging
  • Pasture-Born Excellence: Our cattle start their journey on lush pastures, ensuring a healthy and natural beginning.
  • Pure and Pristine: Raised without antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, or herbicides, our beef is a testament to pure and pristine farming.
  • Perfect Marbling: Achieved through a thoughtful blend of grass-fed and grain-finishing, our beef boasts perfect marbling for exceptional flavor. We exceed “grass fed” requirements.
  • Locally Sourced Quality: Enhanced with locally grown, certified non-GMO grains, our beef reflects a commitment to quality and community.
  • Choice or Prime Guarantee: Our beef is guaranteed to meet Choice or Prime standards, ensuring the highest grading in quality.
  • Tenderly Aged: Dry-aged for 14 days, our beef undergoes a meticulous aging process for enhanced tenderness.
  • Sustainably Raised Delight: Committed to ethical farming practices, our chickens are raised with care for a delightful and sustainable poultry experience.
  • Purely Natural: Certified Non-GMO, our chicken represents a purely natural choice for health-conscious consumers.
  • Free-Roaming Freedom: Housed in “Mobile Houses on Pasture,” our chickens enjoy the freedom to roam, ensuring natural behaviors.
  • Balanced Diet: Occasionally supplemented with locally grown, certified non-GMO grains, our chickens maintain a balanced and nutritious diet.
  • Unmatched Pork Quality: Raised with rigorous standards and certified non-GMO, our pork offers unparalleled quality.
  • Heritage Breeds Exclusive: Exclusive heritage breeds, including Duroc, Hampshire, Berkshire, or Tamworth, contribute to distinctive flavors in our pork.
  • Rotational Grazing: Managed through multiple paddocks for natural behaviors, our pigs experience rotational grazing, fostering a healthy and sustainable environment.
  • Creature Comforts: Pigs have constant access to fresh water and shade, ensuring their well-being and comfort.
  • Wholesome Diet: Balanced with a locally grown non-GMO grain diet, our pigs enjoy a wholesome and nutritious diet.
  • Pasture Born: Our lambs are born and raised on lush green pastures, ensuring a healthy and natural beginning.
  • Pure and Pristine: Raised without antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, or herbicides, our lamb is a testament to pure and pristine farming.
  • Grass Fed: We feed our lamb 100% grass their entire lives.
  • Turkey Elegance: Celebrate special occasions with turkeys raised without genetically modified organisms, representing elegance on your table.
  • Humane and Natural: Certified non-GMO and holistic management practices ensure our turkeys are raised in a humane and natural environment.
  • Free-Spirited Foraging: Allowed to roam freely and forage naturally, our turkeys express their free-spirited nature.
  • Nutrient Supplemented: Balanced with locally grown non-GMO grains, our turkeys receive nutrient supplementation for a wholesome diet.
  • On-Farm Harvest: Ensuring a carefully managed process at our on-farm abattoir, our turkeys represent a commitment to quality and responsible farming.